[帮主说]关于戈尔(Al Gore)

al-gore.jpg美国大选越来越好玩了,我每天都要看上一会儿相关报道,无论Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, John Edwards都很有看头。

看着看着,就想起曾经被寄予厚望的,曾经获得过民主党历史上最多总统选票,美国历史上仅次于1984年的里根的第二多选票,比George Bush多了50万张选票但“输”掉大选的Al Gore来。

Gore同学现在已经变成硅谷仔了。他身边最紧密的几个人,排名不分先后的,是KPCB的John Doerr老师,苹果的Steve Jobs老师,和Google的不知道哪位老师。


在去年,Steve Jobs对美国媒体评价了几句Al Gore,看看人家是怎么委婉的吹捧的。。。

"We have dug ourselves into a 20-ft. hole, and we need somebody who knows how to build a ladder. Al's the guy," says Steve Jobs of Apple. "Like many others, I have tried my best to convince him. So far, no luck."


"If he ran, there's no question in my mind that he would be elected," says Steve Jobs. "But I think there's a question in his mind, perhaps because the pain of the last election runs a lot deeper than he lets most of us see."


