老乔宣布了 Apple TV 2 和 MacBook Air 之后,商业周刊硅谷记者站专盯硬件的资深记者 Peter Burrows 1 月 16 日就写了一篇“苹果不那么光鲜了?好好再看看”,标题下的导语一上来就表明了立场:
Investors were underwhelmed by Apple's lineup at this year's Macworld conference. Give it time.
苹果今年 Macworld 大会展出的新品令投资者兴趣缺缺。多给它点时间吧。
文章在提到 Apple TV 2 时说得更乐观:
[T]he new products will reinforce an already widely held perception that Apple stands for products that are tied together by the iTunes store and its ever-widening selection of entertainment content. "They are building an entertainment ecosystem, and that's going to be a major driver of the stock," predicts Piper Jaffray's Munster.
新产品将会强化一个广为接受的印象,即苹果的产品紧紧捆绑着 iTunes 商店和日益增多的娱乐内容。“他们正在建立一个娱乐业生态系统,这将成为苹果股价的主要推动力量。”Piper Jaffray 的分析师 Gene Munster 预言道。
《商业周刊》的另外一名记者 Arik Hesseldahl,在同日发表的博客中也表达了几乎相同的观点。他说,15 日乔布斯演讲结束后,华尔街都认为“no surprise”,于是当日 8300 万苹果股票被换手,虽不是历史新纪录,但也算高得出奇了。
For those who bought before Macworld in hopes of cashing in on a keynote bounce, I have only one word: suckers.
对于那些在 Macworld 大会之前买进(苹果股票)以期在乔布斯演讲之后股价大涨而套现的人,我只有三个字:傻波伊。
作者说,谁说了 Macworld keynote 之后苹果股价就一定会涨?过去 10 年来,苹果股价在 keynote 当日,涨跌各一半,但总体来看,平均要跌 3.6%。但在仅仅过去 5 年里,苹果股价增值了 2000%。这才叫投资哪。