今早师北宸(@beichen)在 Twitter 上说:
真是可怕,创新工场某资深投资经理在 Quora 回答「在中国用 VPN 是否违法」的问题的时候,给出的建议竟然是:「不要谈论关于 VPN 翻墙的话题,不要给别人提供工具帮助他们获取被屏蔽的信息,因为国外有些信息对中国人是有害的」。
他说的投资经理是黄继新。黄也是本站作者之一。这个 Quora 问题的链接在这里。
问题如下:Is using a VPN in China (PRC) illegal?
黄继新的答案如下(复制于 2011 年 6 月 20 日中午一点):
Brief points (please forgive me for not elaborating):
- There is no law about using VPN in China.
- Building your own VPN to access your office internal network is, of course, no harm.
- Don't talk about using VPNs to access banned websites. Don't provide tools to facilitate that, because there are some information bad for the Chinese people.
- Any VPN service facilitating bypassing the wall will be eliminated.
- No one has officially recognized the existence of such a thing as Great Fire Wall in China. The speakpersons only said that the state has the obligation to protect its people from harmful information.
我认为该答案需要进一步说明,所以今早以「Needs explanation」的理由把它 flag 了。目前该答案已被折叠。