Macworld 风流过去,可以收拾下战场了。我陆续整理些 Steve Jobs 在 Macworld 前后发表的言论吧。
先看他在接受《New York Times》时的一些话,恩,不太利于和谐的说。
关于亚马逊的 Kindle:
“It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don’t read anymore,” he said. “Forty percent of the people in the U.S. read one book or less last year. The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore.”
”产品好坏并不重要,事实是人们不再阅读了。40% 的美国人一年读不到一本书。整个概念从根本上是有缺陷的,因为人们不读书了。“
关于 Google 的 Android:
“Having created a phone, it’s a lot harder than it looks,” he said. “We’ll see how good their software is and we’ll see how consumers like it and how quickly it is adopted.” In seeking not to get locked out of the mobile phone world, “I actually think Google has achieved their goal without Android, and I now think Android hurts them more than it helps them. It’s just going to divide them and people who want to be their partners.”
”造一部手机,远比看起来难得多。我们会看到他们的软件究竟有多好,用户有多喜欢它,它能多快被市场接受……我真的认为 Google 没有 Android 也已经达到了他们的目标,而现在我觉得 Android 对 Google 的伤害大于对它的帮助。它会分化 Google 与其潜在合作伙伴。“
关于 Bill Gates:
“Bill’s retiring from Microsoft is a big deal,” he said. “It’s a significant event, and I think he should be honored for the contributions he’s made.”
”Bill 从微软退休是个大事。这是个大事件,我想他应得到与其贡献相对应的荣誉。“